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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Google Says Mobile Web Apps Will Win In The Long Haul http://bit.ly/bSKho I c Short Run it Saves $ & Time to be 1 Tech to Rule All+SMS WebD3
Google Says Mobile Web Apps Will Win In The Long Haul http://bit.ly/bSKho I see the Short Run because browser cached HTML5 (500mb cach in browser) installationless (IGoogle XML Gadgets already drive 20% of ALL Traffic to Google.com!!!) it Saves $ & Time to be the 1 Tech to Rule All Platorms +SMS & offers & Surveys WebD3 Style. MO MONEY, MO MONEY, MO MONEY...FOR LESS COST!!! THE MAGIC BOX+RIDING THE BIG WAVES FROM THE FLOOR OF A MARKET TO THE BLUES SKY OF GETTING THE MOST POSSIBLE PART OF THE TOTAL ADDRESSABLE MARKET.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Free Social Viral PROMO $ WebD3: Kids & DIY Sci-Fi Filmmakers know more about digital Social Virality than big Budget Comedian Dave Chappelle ;-) & but take it to the Next Level WebD3 style & Combine it with Monetization $ Like Mos Def , Soulja Boy & Trent Reznor are in cool & interesting Ways
The GrindfortheGreen.com Kids are doing a better Job http://thebirthofwebd3.blogspot.com/2009/07/look-how-grind4thegreencom-follow-trent.html THAN DAVE CHAPPELLE
{Thanks RFB Brandon Middleton http://www.facebook.com/brandon.middleton & talk about a Renaissance Black Man: Engineer (U. of I. like Mark Andreesen http://www.brandonmiddleton.blogspot.com/), Artist (CHECK His Concious RAP SONG DUMB IT DOWN http://www.myspace.com/brandontimothy), & Business MAn (CHECK OUT HIS IPHONE GAME TIC TAC TOE TEN IT HAS OVER 3000 DOWNLOADS ON THE Apple Iphone APP STORE see the VIDEO & Get it http://www.tictactoeten.com/ !!!) He is One To Watch & follow on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/bware218}
DAVE CHAPPELLE VIDEO & ARTICLE Dave Chapelle gives free midnight show to fans in Portland Source:http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/dave_chappelle_shows_up_fills.html
The comedian treated lucky fans in Portland, Oregon to a free show early Wednesday morning. (AK*2 Editorial: It VIRALED OUT TO THOUSANDS in Hours SEE THE VIDEO CLIP of Dave's Surprise & the Anatomy of a Twitter & Facebook FLASHMOB in 7 Hours that went past the expected 200 to 4000+! )http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/dave_chappelle_shows_up_fills.html
Dave Chapelle gives free midnight show to fans in Portland Source: www.nydailynews.com
The comedian treated lucky fans in Portland, Oregon to a free show early Wednesday morning.
This is Gangsta Quality Indie Video SMASHUP of Rap Battles & Harry Potter Perfect example of what is Possible http://vodpod.com/watch/1912563-harry-potter-vs-voldemort-rap if you
UNDERSTAND & ORGANIZE SOCIAL CROSS PROMO EVENTS Like Trent REZNOR of NIN says http://newteevee.com/2009/07/11/5-ideas-online-video-makers-should-steal-from-trent-reznor/
but take it to the Next Level WebD3 style & Combine it with Monetization $ Like Mos Def , Soulja Boy & Trent Reznor are in cool & interesting Ways http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/07/the-10-weirdest-ways-to-distribute-music/
Even SNOOP DOG IS GOING Digital Snoop Dogg Launches “iFizzle” iPhone App http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL4-ghF76zQ? Fo SHIZZLE
P.S. I Was in the Movie In World War Monday 7/12/2009 Downtown Oakland 7-10 AM & It was a BLAST (Will Post VIDEO LAter !!!! More Fun than MATRIX 2 & 3 and THAT WAS a GREAT Week w/the Washaski Brothers in ALAMEDA!!), I got Upgraded to a SPEAKING PART (Got to Explore My MOTIVATION ;-) They need Extras For 7/23/2009 & % more
Locations {especially Bar/CLUB & Private Bedroom [NO THIS ISN'T PORN Film is http://www.inworldwar.com/ by the Maker of http://www.qualityoflife-themovie.com/ ;-] They Got 40 of the 45 LOCATIONS they NEED ;-) here is the Contact TELL HIM KARRIEM AK*2 SENT YOU ;-) See this PAge for the People they NEED but they ARE FLEXIBLE !!! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=101854029009&ref=mf 9259638616
Anthony Ramil to July 13 at 11:21pm
Hi Karriem,
Thank you for posting this! The big extras scene actually got moved to the 23rd because of location conflicts. Here is the message I am sending out:
We are presently in production of an ambitious and exciting sci-fi indie feature film. This SF Bay Area Community-based film not only requires the help of a lot of people behind the camera, but a lot in front as well.
You can find out more by visiting our website, or checking-out some write-ups about the film on SF360, io9, and Film School Rejects (links on the homepage). IN-WORLD WAR needs extras throughout production, but especially for the "Orientation Classroom" scene, which will be filmed on Thursday, July 23rd in the East Bay (exact location and call time are TBA). If you are available, please come!
And bring all your friends; we will need to fill up a whole classroom. This is your chance to be a part of a local, sci-fi film. Your participation would be supporting a great cause. Please forward this message to everyone you know.
Thank you! Anthony Ramil Assistant Casting Director, In-World War www.studiolomismo.com
Not on the IWW mailing list? Contact anthony@studiolomismo.com to become a subscriber!
Also, get reminders about shooting days for extras by finding "IWWextras" on Twitter and Facebook.
{Thanks RFB Brandon Middleton http://www.facebook.com/brandon.middleton & talk about a Renaissance Black Man: Engineer (U. of I. like Mark Andreesen http://www.brandonmiddleton.blogspot.com/), Artist (CHECK His Concious RAP SONG DUMB IT DOWN http://www.myspace.com/brandontimothy), & Business MAn (CHECK OUT HIS IPHONE GAME TIC TAC TOE TEN IT HAS OVER 3000 DOWNLOADS ON THE Apple Iphone APP STORE see the VIDEO & Get it http://www.tictactoeten.com/ !!!) He is One To Watch & follow on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/bware218}
DAVE CHAPPELLE VIDEO & ARTICLE Dave Chapelle gives free midnight show to fans in Portland Source:http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/dave_chappelle_shows_up_fills.html
The comedian treated lucky fans in Portland, Oregon to a free show early Wednesday morning. (AK*2 Editorial: It VIRALED OUT TO THOUSANDS in Hours SEE THE VIDEO CLIP of Dave's Surprise & the Anatomy of a Twitter & Facebook FLASHMOB in 7 Hours that went past the expected 200 to 4000+! )http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/dave_chappelle_shows_up_fills.html
Dave Chapelle gives free midnight show to fans in Portland Source: www.nydailynews.com
The comedian treated lucky fans in Portland, Oregon to a free show early Wednesday morning.
This is Gangsta Quality Indie Video SMASHUP of Rap Battles & Harry Potter Perfect example of what is Possible http://vodpod.com/watch/1912563-harry-potter-vs-voldemort-rap if you
UNDERSTAND & ORGANIZE SOCIAL CROSS PROMO EVENTS Like Trent REZNOR of NIN says http://newteevee.com/2009/07/11/5-ideas-online-video-makers-should-steal-from-trent-reznor/
but take it to the Next Level WebD3 style & Combine it with Monetization $ Like Mos Def , Soulja Boy & Trent Reznor are in cool & interesting Ways http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/07/the-10-weirdest-ways-to-distribute-music/
Even SNOOP DOG IS GOING Digital Snoop Dogg Launches “iFizzle” iPhone App http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL4-ghF76zQ? Fo SHIZZLE
P.S. I Was in the Movie In World War Monday 7/12/2009 Downtown Oakland 7-10 AM & It was a BLAST (Will Post VIDEO LAter !!!! More Fun than MATRIX 2 & 3 and THAT WAS a GREAT Week w/the Washaski Brothers in ALAMEDA!!), I got Upgraded to a SPEAKING PART (Got to Explore My MOTIVATION ;-) They need Extras For 7/23/2009 & % more
Locations {especially Bar/CLUB & Private Bedroom [NO THIS ISN'T PORN Film is http://www.inworldwar.com/ by the Maker of http://www.qualityoflife-themovie.com/ ;-] They Got 40 of the 45 LOCATIONS they NEED ;-) here is the Contact TELL HIM KARRIEM AK*2 SENT YOU ;-) See this PAge for the People they NEED but they ARE FLEXIBLE !!! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=101854029009&ref=mf 9259638616
Anthony Ramil to July 13 at 11:21pm
Hi Karriem,
Thank you for posting this! The big extras scene actually got moved to the 23rd because of location conflicts. Here is the message I am sending out:
We are presently in production of an ambitious and exciting sci-fi indie feature film. This SF Bay Area Community-based film not only requires the help of a lot of people behind the camera, but a lot in front as well.
You can find out more by visiting our website
And bring all your friends; we will need to fill up a whole classroom. This is your chance to be a part of a local, sci-fi film. Your participation would be supporting a great cause. Please forward this message to everyone you know.
Thank you! Anthony Ramil Assistant Casting Director, In-World War www.studiolomismo.com
Not on the IWW mailing list? Contact anthony@studiolomismo.com to become a subscriber!
Also, get reminders about shooting days for extras by finding "IWWextras" on Twitter and Facebook.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Look How Grind4theGreen.com Follow Trent Reznor of NIN's ADVICE to ONLINE VIDEO MAKERS to PROMO FREE ECO MUSIC Event where MC's WIN $1000
Look How http://www.grindforthegreen.com/ Follow Trent Reznor of NIN's ADVICE TO Unknown Artists http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?30,767183 & ONLINE VIDEO MAKERS http://newteevee.com/2009/07/11/5-ideas-online-video-makers-should-steal-from-trent-reznor/
TALK ABOUT a CROSS-PROMOTION PERFECT STORM !!! see http://www.grindforthegreen.com/ for THEIR VIRAL CHANNELS & the Homage to Stevie Wonder The secret Life of Plants @ the BOTTOM OF THE PAGE
July 18th is a week away everyone. Grind For The Green is holding a Eco Music Conference at 835 Market/Powell Street. This is our first Eco Festival for 2009 and for any youth that have are focus on rapping and want to get their name out there this is the place to be on July 18th from 10am to 2pm.
Calling all emcees, singers and producers: The 2009 GrindfortheGreen Hip-Hop Competition is here! M-1 of DEAD PREZ Keynote SPEAKER & TALIB KWELI Lead JUDGE R looking for talented artists ages 14-24 with a positive message to compete in this year’s eco-music festival competition and be a part of the largest youth green hip-hop event series. 2 lucky contestants (1 emcee and 1 producer) will win $1,000 each and will have their music featured on the upcoming G4G documentary, free studio time and have their music played on G4G websites. If you are interested in entering the competition please email your mp3 song or beat to Ambessa Cantave at ambessa.negus@gmail.com by 7/18/2009 5pm. To SEE THEIR VIRAL CHANNELS & HOT SOUND TRACK click http://www.myspace.com/grindforthegreen http://twitter.com/grind4dagreen & http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=582677135
The Eco-lution will not be televised. It’ll be live, and direct on Saturday, July 18 when the mighty and dedicated soldier M-1 of the monolithic dead prez graces us with this wisdom on the struggle. Most recently Ambessa and Zakiya had the opportunity to sit on a food justice panel with Sticman on Chicago and now we get to be the other ventricle of the powerful All Heart hip-hop crew that can arguably go down in history as one of the realest we had. Check out this promo video of his here: http://www.rapbasement.com/videos/57311/M1-of-Dead-Prez-Talks-New-Album-Working-With-Green-Lantern.html
The Locale is6th Floor (SF State's Downtown Campus right Under Microsoft SF in the 5th & Market Mall near Powell Barts main entrance), San Francisco, CA. DID I FORGET TO MENTION IT IS FREE & Open TO ALL !?!
TALK ABOUT a CROSS-PROMOTION PERFECT STORM !!! see http://www.grindforthegreen.com/ for THEIR VIRAL CHANNELS & the Homage to Stevie Wonder The secret Life of Plants @ the BOTTOM OF THE PAGE
July 18th is a week away everyone. Grind For The Green is holding a Eco Music Conference at 835 Market/Powell Street. This is our first Eco Festival for 2009 and for any youth that have are focus on rapping and want to get their name out there this is the place to be on July 18th from 10am to 2pm.
Calling all emcees, singers and producers: The 2009 GrindfortheGreen Hip-Hop Competition is here! M-1 of DEAD PREZ Keynote SPEAKER & TALIB KWELI Lead JUDGE R looking for talented artists ages 14-24 with a positive message to compete in this year’s eco-music festival competition and be a part of the largest youth green hip-hop event series. 2 lucky contestants (1 emcee and 1 producer) will win $1,000 each and will have their music featured on the upcoming G4G documentary, free studio time and have their music played on G4G websites. If you are interested in entering the competition please email your mp3 song or beat to Ambessa Cantave at ambessa.negus@gmail.com by 7/18/2009 5pm. To SEE THEIR VIRAL CHANNELS & HOT SOUND TRACK click http://www.myspace.com/grindforthegreen http://twitter.com/grind4dagreen & http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=582677135
The Eco-lution will not be televised. It’ll be live, and direct on Saturday, July 18 when the mighty and dedicated soldier M-1 of the monolithic dead prez graces us with this wisdom on the struggle. Most recently Ambessa and Zakiya had the opportunity to sit on a food justice panel with Sticman on Chicago and now we get to be the other ventricle of the powerful All Heart hip-hop crew that can arguably go down in history as one of the realest we had. Check out this promo video of his here: http://www.rapbasement.com/videos/57311/M1-of-Dead-Prez-Talks-New-Album-Working-With-Green-Lantern.html
The Locale is6th Floor (SF State's Downtown Campus right Under Microsoft SF in the 5th & Market Mall near Powell Barts main entrance), San Francisco, CA. DID I FORGET TO MENTION IT IS FREE & Open TO ALL !?!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
WHY Under the Radar Monetizing Social Network Users $ Off-Network & Data Valuation are 10-100x LOW DELL B&M DEMOG Co. $1-300/hr.=MAGIC BOX WEB D3!!
WHY Under the Radar Monetizing Social Network Users $ Off-Network & Data Valuation are 10-100x LOW DELL B&M DEMOG Co. $1-300/hr.=MAGIC BOX WEB D3!!
The Reason that the Under the Radar Blog is if anything 10-100x LOW IS THAT Bricks & Mortar Research Co. charge $1-300/hr. brand & Advertisers for the lesser quality DATA (aggregate Video from Focus groups & in person Panels) that could be Synergised & Gathered over the WEB D3 style! I KNOW THIS because I Have been PAID x$100/Hour!!!, as a subcontractor (Participant) or WHOLESALER (Organizer) by By Startups & Established Brands including A Category Leading Social NETWORK & to Organize these by A Category leading A-LIST TECHNOLOGY Top 10 COMPANY?!?) I even have a Growing Digital Due Diligence Business {my work responding as an Expert in Widget & Mobile Monetization through an Expert Network http://glgroup.com is in the $2-500's/hr. FOR Online SURVEY QUESTIONS & PHONE CALLS!!! and we receive more & more Invites to do Projects!!! the % of Projects in or Niche is in the 1000's & GROWING
& WE ONLY CAN RESPOND TO 10's a WEEK!!!} . Because of this Trending I see a WEB D3 DISRUPTIVE REVENUE Opportunity!!!
This is What Raj Kapur of Under the Radar Also Predicts http://www.undertheradarblog.com/blog/social-networks-will-make-more-money-off-site-vs-on/
That said, I do believe there’s a big opportunity - it’s in the Data that is captured explicitly (entering info on yourself in your profile) and implicitly (the groups you join, the content of the messages you send each other). In some social nets like Facebook and LinkedIn, the data is very deep and for the most part true. The profile page itself is a treasure trove of information on age, gender, location, interests, work experience, favorite movies, tv, etc - all the attributes a great brand marketer wants to target when reaching an audience.
The advertiser may not have measurable success reaching the user in the social network, but if they had access to the data when the user is on other sites - more conducive to engagement with ads - the advertiser would be in nirvana.
The data economy is developing fast where data is decoupled from ad inventory and used to target audiences where ever they are (Mayfield companies Audience Science, Adchemy, and Rubicon Project are leading the charge here). I think the big social networks are aware of this but are treading carefully given the privacy concerns. I do believe when they find the right mix of user privacy and sharing of this data, they can provide it to advertisers, networks, and publishers and profit handsomely from it. They can make more money on a user by charging a tax for the data each time its used vs the pageviews from that user on their site.
Let’s do the math and make some assumptions to illustrate:
I used the following estimates on ad impressions/user/mo on top social networks:
- Facebook: 356
- Tagged: 387
- Myspace: 452
….Avg: 403
…And I assume $.50 as the assumption for eCPM (which I believe maybe high). Thus, on average a social network makes $.20 per user per month on ads on their site.
Now, let’s look at how many ad impressions the typical internet user encounters in a month - I’ve found it to be about 1,650 per month. Let’s also assume the following:
- 50% of these impressions could be targeted using the vast amounts of profile and friend data from SNS
- $2 eCPM for such a data targeted ad
- the social network keeps 15% of this revenue for its data (which seems like the going rate talking to data players).
That’s about $.25 per user per month. So, if my assumptions hold true, then a social network can monetize their users $.25 offsite vs $.20 onsite….
Social networks will make money on their site - thru ads, virtual goods, etc - but the real big opportunity is freeing all the user data and enabling it to target them wherever they are on the web.
HE IS RIGHT BUT HE IS UNDERSTATING THE OPPORTUNITY. THIS IS THE NO-BRAINER (Adsenselike) FLOOR OF THE MARKET. THE BLUE SKY is IN OFFERING GRANULAR TUNED (By Percentage of Demographic & Psychographic) GEOGRAPHICALLY DISTRIBUTED Video (via Webcam) SURVEYS, FOCUS GROUPS along with PRODUCT & SURVEY OFFERS & TRIALS (Like Ree Movie Screening w/out THE $5000 for the theater or another $15-20,000 for the Printed PASSES & Promo STAFF see 1st steps toward this Model BUT WHY is 1 of the TOP 3 Video sites in the World NOT DOING THIS ONLINE NOW!!!http://www.myspace.com/blackcurtain WEB CAMS & CHARGING $1-2500 per for Indie Movie & Music Companies ?!? I WOULD DELL Pre-Screenings in THEATRES & do a MoviePAL Market Monetizing the FREE MARKET Research from the Myspace Friends Demographic & offer Premium Subscriptions (CROWDSOURCE the Prosumers: AUtiers, & Movie Addicts like http://www.facebook.com/massanimation did who want to see the alternate endings, give Feedback & have an involvement & impact on Movies they want to Learn from for their Craft & Passion) that are subsidized by the Money From selling the DATA to Movie Investors & Executive Producers as a Niche Prediction Network's you could make it a Movie Fantasy league like ESPN & give Players Box Office PRediction Rankings & $ like Earth Web's http://www.webscription.net/p-833-earthweb.aspx author Author HP Researcher Marc Steigler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Stiegler (thanks FOR VISITING US @ Micheal Carter's Java Script Meetup @ GOOGLE Mountain view, You & SNOWCRASH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowcrash author Neil Stephenson are My TECHNOHACKER FUTURIST HERO's!!!) ;-) Read Earthweb http://www.webscription.net/p-833-earthweb.aspx & the Research behind it ttp://www.webscription.net/10.1125/Baen/067157809X/067157809X.htmhave become the Floor, DELLing COMODOTIZATION Adsense Revenue Opp. Of Crowdsourcing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdsourcing . The Blue Sky Magic BOx Opportunity is too do this with Facial Rec. Software on the Webcam Feedback because it is a 10-100x REV$+ OPP. + 10/ Cost SAVINGS!! This is the MAGIC BOX where SOMETHING GIVEN AWAY & GOT FREE (LIKE DATA is More VAluable WHOLESALED than WHAT THE IT IS WORTH SELLING IT RETAIL. WE ARE SEEING THIS WITH category leading SOCIAL NETWORK GAMES. MORE IS MADE ON SN PLATFORMS PER USER LIKE POKER ON http://www.zynga.com (last we heard $30/user /month VS. World of WarCRAFT charges $15/ month/user @ !!!) & on 2nd Life ( http://secondlife.com/whatis/landpricing.php & see my analysis of their COST
[Here is the link for my Second Lifecase study ( I successfully presented this In the last SF Mysql meetup @ CNET ; it was Harder than a Doctoral thesis Defense) on Second Life's scaling problems & my conclusions were confirmed by a Developer in the audience who used to work there & said their initial architecture wasn't scalable & thats why their CTO got the Boot) http://mysql.meetup.com/30/boards/view/viewthread?thread=4166583 ]
http://mysql.meetup.com/30/messages/boards/thread/4166583 For LOWER COSTS!!! This is A BILLION DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY even with out the Microtransaction Money Available http://www.undertheradarblog.com/blog/why-you-should-charge-money-sooner-rather-than-later/ . LEt ME Know WHAT YOU THINK & CALL BS WHERE NECESSARY in the COMMENTS, FACEBOOK & TWITTER !!!
The Reason that the Under the Radar Blog is if anything 10-100x LOW IS THAT Bricks & Mortar Research Co. charge $1-300/hr. brand & Advertisers for the lesser quality DATA (aggregate Video from Focus groups & in person Panels) that could be Synergised & Gathered over the WEB D3 style! I KNOW THIS because I Have been PAID x$100/Hour!!!, as a subcontractor (Participant) or WHOLESALER (Organizer) by By Startups & Established Brands including A Category Leading Social NETWORK & to Organize these by A Category leading A-LIST TECHNOLOGY Top 10 COMPANY?!?) I even have a Growing Digital Due Diligence Business {my work responding as an Expert in Widget & Mobile Monetization through an Expert Network http://glgroup.com is in the $2-500's/hr. FOR Online SURVEY QUESTIONS & PHONE CALLS!!! and we receive more & more Invites to do Projects!!! the % of Projects in or Niche is in the 1000's & GROWING
& WE ONLY CAN RESPOND TO 10's a WEEK!!!} . Because of this Trending I see a WEB D3 DISRUPTIVE REVENUE Opportunity!!!
This is What Raj Kapur of Under the Radar Also Predicts http://www.undertheradarblog.com/blog/social-networks-will-make-more-money-off-site-vs-on/
That said, I do believe there’s a big opportunity - it’s in the Data that is captured explicitly (entering info on yourself in your profile) and implicitly (the groups you join, the content of the messages you send each other). In some social nets like Facebook and LinkedIn, the data is very deep and for the most part true. The profile page itself is a treasure trove of information on age, gender, location, interests, work experience, favorite movies, tv, etc - all the attributes a great brand marketer wants to target when reaching an audience.
The advertiser may not have measurable success reaching the user in the social network, but if they had access to the data when the user is on other sites - more conducive to engagement with ads - the advertiser would be in nirvana.
The data economy is developing fast where data is decoupled from ad inventory and used to target audiences where ever they are (Mayfield companies Audience Science, Adchemy, and Rubicon Project are leading the charge here). I think the big social networks are aware of this but are treading carefully given the privacy concerns. I do believe when they find the right mix of user privacy and sharing of this data, they can provide it to advertisers, networks, and publishers and profit handsomely from it. They can make more money on a user by charging a tax for the data each time its used vs the pageviews from that user on their site.
Let’s do the math and make some assumptions to illustrate:
I used the following estimates on ad impressions/user/mo on top social networks:
- Facebook: 356
- Tagged: 387
- Myspace: 452
….Avg: 403
…And I assume $.50 as the assumption for eCPM (which I believe maybe high). Thus, on average a social network makes $.20 per user per month on ads on their site.
Now, let’s look at how many ad impressions the typical internet user encounters in a month - I’ve found it to be about 1,650 per month. Let’s also assume the following:
- 50% of these impressions could be targeted using the vast amounts of profile and friend data from SNS
- $2 eCPM for such a data targeted ad
- the social network keeps 15% of this revenue for its data (which seems like the going rate talking to data players).
That’s about $.25 per user per month. So, if my assumptions hold true, then a social network can monetize their users $.25 offsite vs $.20 onsite….
Social networks will make money on their site - thru ads, virtual goods, etc - but the real big opportunity is freeing all the user data and enabling it to target them wherever they are on the web.
HE IS RIGHT BUT HE IS UNDERSTATING THE OPPORTUNITY. THIS IS THE NO-BRAINER (Adsenselike) FLOOR OF THE MARKET. THE BLUE SKY is IN OFFERING GRANULAR TUNED (By Percentage of Demographic & Psychographic) GEOGRAPHICALLY DISTRIBUTED Video (via Webcam) SURVEYS, FOCUS GROUPS along with PRODUCT & SURVEY OFFERS & TRIALS (Like Ree Movie Screening w/out THE $5000 for the theater or another $15-20,000 for the Printed PASSES & Promo STAFF see 1st steps toward this Model BUT WHY is 1 of the TOP 3 Video sites in the World NOT DOING THIS ONLINE NOW!!!http://www.myspace.com/blackcurtain WEB CAMS & CHARGING $1-2500 per for Indie Movie & Music Companies ?!? I WOULD DELL Pre-Screenings in THEATRES & do a MoviePAL Market Monetizing the FREE MARKET Research from the Myspace Friends Demographic & offer Premium Subscriptions (CROWDSOURCE the Prosumers: AUtiers, & Movie Addicts like http://www.facebook.com/massanimation did who want to see the alternate endings, give Feedback & have an involvement & impact on Movies they want to Learn from for their Craft & Passion) that are subsidized by the Money From selling the DATA to Movie Investors & Executive Producers as a Niche Prediction Network's you could make it a Movie Fantasy league like ESPN & give Players Box Office PRediction Rankings & $ like Earth Web's http://www.webscription.net/p-833-earthweb.aspx author Author HP Researcher Marc Steigler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Stiegler (thanks FOR VISITING US @ Micheal Carter's Java Script Meetup @ GOOGLE Mountain view, You & SNOWCRASH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowcrash author Neil Stephenson are My TECHNOHACKER FUTURIST HERO's!!!) ;-) Read Earthweb http://www.webscription.net/p-833-earthweb.aspx & the Research behind it ttp://www.webscription.net/10.1125/Baen/067157809X/067157809X.htmhave become the Floor, DELLing COMODOTIZATION Adsense Revenue Opp. Of Crowdsourcing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crowdsourcing . The Blue Sky Magic BOx Opportunity is too do this with Facial Rec. Software on the Webcam Feedback because it is a 10-100x REV$+ OPP. + 10/ Cost SAVINGS!! This is the MAGIC BOX where SOMETHING GIVEN AWAY & GOT FREE (LIKE DATA is More VAluable WHOLESALED than WHAT THE IT IS WORTH SELLING IT RETAIL. WE ARE SEEING THIS WITH category leading SOCIAL NETWORK GAMES. MORE IS MADE ON SN PLATFORMS PER USER LIKE POKER ON http://www.zynga.com (last we heard $30/user /month VS. World of WarCRAFT charges $15/ month/user @ !!!) & on 2nd Life ( http://secondlife.com/whatis/landpricing.php & see my analysis of their COST
[Here is the link for my Second Lifecase study ( I successfully presented this In the last SF Mysql meetup @ CNET ; it was Harder than a Doctoral thesis Defense) on Second Life's scaling problems & my conclusions were confirmed by a Developer in the audience who used to work there & said their initial architecture wasn't scalable & thats why their CTO got the Boot) http://mysql.meetup.com/30/boards/view/viewthread?thread=4166583 ]
http://mysql.meetup.com/30/messages/boards/thread/4166583 For LOWER COSTS!!! This is A BILLION DOLLAR OPPORTUNITY even with out the Microtransaction Money Available http://www.undertheradarblog.com/blog/why-you-should-charge-money-sooner-rather-than-later/ . LEt ME Know WHAT YOU THINK & CALL BS WHERE NECESSARY in the COMMENTS, FACEBOOK & TWITTER !!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
WIFI Phone APPCRACK is it a Nokia Trojan Horse ? RT @TechCrunch Cherry, The Mobile Operator That Doesn’t Care Whether You’re On Wi-Fi Or Not ;-)
WIFI Phone APPCRACK is it a Nokia Trojan Horse ? RT @TechCrunch Cherry, The Mobile Operator That Doesn’t Care Whether You’re On Wi-Fi Or Not http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/07/05/cherry-the-mobile-operator-that-doesnt-care-whether-youre-on-wi-fi-or-not/ ;-)Cherry Commercial
Cherry Youtube Interview THEY Are On SYMBIAN & STILL ARE ONLY 1/2 DISRUPTIVE like Google Voice 1 MILLION #'s BOUGHT http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/06/19/143203/Google-Voice-Grabs-1-Million-Phone-Numbers?from=rss If GOOGLe HAd INTEGRATED GMAil Chat VIDEO& AUDIO THAT WOULD'VE BEEN A KILLER APP or APPCRACK http://mail.google.com/videochat with Google Voice http://google.com/voice
Cherry from Vincent Battaglia on Vimeo.
Cherry Youtube Interview THEY Are On SYMBIAN & STILL ARE ONLY 1/2 DISRUPTIVE like Google Voice 1 MILLION #'s BOUGHT http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/06/19/143203/Google-Voice-Grabs-1-Million-Phone-Numbers?from=rss If GOOGLe HAd INTEGRATED GMAil Chat VIDEO& AUDIO THAT WOULD'VE BEEN A KILLER APP or APPCRACK http://mail.google.com/videochat with Google Voice http://google.com/voice
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Check out a Bootstrap (or Grass Roots) CLASSIC Online Viral Promo
Check out a Bootstrap (or Grass Roots) CLASSIC Online Viral Promo . & the THEY NEED to Add SMS & Social Virality ( http://Myxer.com & Twitter like Hammer http://twitter.com/mcHammer ) by an Oakland Independent Film & Video Group Sea THEIR 30 second COMMERCIAL , 5 minute Trailer & Music Video . CHECK OUT the Flashing Blue NAV http://www.townbizthemovie.com/index.html . THEY HAVE FORGOT MORE ABOUT UI than MOST Designers Ever will learn!!!
Business Management As Taught By The Holy Quran+Toyota WebD3 Mashup
Business Management As Taught By The Holy Quran+Toyota WebD3 Mashup
Happy Independance Day WebD3 HolyQuran+ID4 Mashup
Happy Independance Day WebD3 HolyQuran on Tribal Partisanship (Assabiyah)!!!+ID4 Mashup
In the Spirit of Independance Day And after Reflection on the Sacrifices My ForeBears to Keep us Free ( Veterans since the Civil War & Before that On the Choctaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choctaw Side of my Mothers Lineage; Over 1000 Years Freedom Fighters on my Fathers side http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xhosa ) I dedicate this Happy Independance Day WebD3 HolyQuran+ID4 Mashup of the ID4 (Independence Day) Movie from Youtube - Speech By The President (Bill Pullman)+the Holy Quran on Tribal Partisanship (Assabiyah)!!!
O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, [I.e., "We have created every one of you out of a father and a mother" (Zamakhshari, Razi, Baydawi) - implying that this equality of biological origin is reflected in the equality of the human dignity common to all.] and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. [I.e., know that all belong to one human family, without any inherent superiority of one over another (Zamakhshari). This connects with the exhortation, in the preceding two verses, to respect and safeguard each other's dignity. In other words, men's evolution into "nations and tribes" is meant to foster rather than to diminish their mutual desire to understand and appreciate the essential human oneness underlying their outward differentiations; and, correspondingly, all racial, national or tribal prejudice (asabiyyah) is condemned - implicitly in the Quran, and most explicitly by the Prophet (see second half of note on 28:15 http://www.openburhan.net/ob.php?sid=28&vid=15 ):
"...And [one day] he entered the city at a time when [most of] its people were [resting in their houses,] unaware of what was going on [in the streets]; [Lit., "at a time of its people's unawareness".] and there he encountered two men fighting with one another - one of his own people, [I.e., of the Hebrews.] and the other of his enemies. And the one who belonged to his own people cried out to him for help against him who was of his enemies - whereupon Moses struck him down with his fist, and [thus] brought about his end. [But then] he said [to himself]: "This is of Satan's doing! Verily, he is an open foe, leading [man] astray!" [Regarding the reference to "Satan's doing", see first half of note on 15:17. In the present instance, verses 16 -17 seem to indicate that it was the Israelite, and not the Egyptian, who had been in the wrong (cf. next note). Apparently, Moses had come to the assistance of the Israelite out of an instinctive sense of racial kinship without regard to the rights and wrongs of the case; but immediately afterwards he realized that he had committed a grave sin not only by killing, however inadvertently, an innocent person, but also by basing his action on a mere tribal - or, as would describe it today, racial or national - prejudice. Evidently, this is the purport of the above Quranic segment of the story of Moses. Its moral has been stressed and explained by the Prophet on many occasions: cf. his famous saying, "He is not of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship (asabiyyah); and he is not of us who fights in the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not of us who dies in the cause of tribal partisanship" (Abu Daud, on the authority of Jubayr ibn Mutim). When he was asked to explain the meaning of "tribal partisanship", the Prophet answered, it means helping thine own people in an unjust cause" (ibid., on the authority of Wathilah ibn al-Asqa).
. In addition, speaking of people's boasting of their national or tribal past, the Prophet said: "Behold, God has removed from you the arrogance of pagan ignorance (jahiliyyah) with its boast of ancestral glories. Man is but a God-conscious believer or an unfortunate sinner. All people are children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust." (Fragment of a hadith quoted by Tirmidhi and Abu Daud, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah.)] Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware."
In the Spirit of Independance Day And after Reflection on the Sacrifices My ForeBears to Keep us Free ( Veterans since the Civil War & Before that On the Choctaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choctaw Side of my Mothers Lineage; Over 1000 Years Freedom Fighters on my Fathers side http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xhosa ) I dedicate this Happy Independance Day WebD3 HolyQuran+ID4 Mashup of the ID4 (Independence Day) Movie from Youtube - Speech By The President (Bill Pullman)+the Holy Quran on Tribal Partisanship (Assabiyah)!!!
O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, [I.e., "We have created every one of you out of a father and a mother" (Zamakhshari, Razi, Baydawi) - implying that this equality of biological origin is reflected in the equality of the human dignity common to all.] and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. [I.e., know that all belong to one human family, without any inherent superiority of one over another (Zamakhshari). This connects with the exhortation, in the preceding two verses, to respect and safeguard each other's dignity. In other words, men's evolution into "nations and tribes" is meant to foster rather than to diminish their mutual desire to understand and appreciate the essential human oneness underlying their outward differentiations; and, correspondingly, all racial, national or tribal prejudice (asabiyyah) is condemned - implicitly in the Quran, and most explicitly by the Prophet (see second half of note on 28:15 http://www.openburhan.net/ob.php?sid=28&vid=15 ):
"...And [one day] he entered the city at a time when [most of] its people were [resting in their houses,] unaware of what was going on [in the streets]; [Lit., "at a time of its people's unawareness".] and there he encountered two men fighting with one another - one of his own people, [I.e., of the Hebrews.] and the other of his enemies. And the one who belonged to his own people cried out to him for help against him who was of his enemies - whereupon Moses struck him down with his fist, and [thus] brought about his end. [But then] he said [to himself]: "This is of Satan's doing! Verily, he is an open foe, leading [man] astray!" [Regarding the reference to "Satan's doing", see first half of note on 15:17. In the present instance, verses 16 -17 seem to indicate that it was the Israelite, and not the Egyptian, who had been in the wrong (cf. next note). Apparently, Moses had come to the assistance of the Israelite out of an instinctive sense of racial kinship without regard to the rights and wrongs of the case; but immediately afterwards he realized that he had committed a grave sin not only by killing, however inadvertently, an innocent person, but also by basing his action on a mere tribal - or, as would describe it today, racial or national - prejudice. Evidently, this is the purport of the above Quranic segment of the story of Moses. Its moral has been stressed and explained by the Prophet on many occasions: cf. his famous saying, "He is not of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship (asabiyyah); and he is not of us who fights in the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not of us who dies in the cause of tribal partisanship" (Abu Daud, on the authority of Jubayr ibn Mutim). When he was asked to explain the meaning of "tribal partisanship", the Prophet answered, it means helping thine own people in an unjust cause" (ibid., on the authority of Wathilah ibn al-Asqa).
. In addition, speaking of people's boasting of their national or tribal past, the Prophet said: "Behold, God has removed from you the arrogance of pagan ignorance (jahiliyyah) with its boast of ancestral glories. Man is but a God-conscious believer or an unfortunate sinner. All people are children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust." (Fragment of a hadith quoted by Tirmidhi and Abu Daud, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah.)] Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware."
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pre-Alpha Google CLOUD Relational DB, IT is COOL but USER BEWARE Free the Data: Breaking Down Silos With Google; Liberating Spreadsheets, Collaboration Beyond the Cell http://bit.ly/eJJ0j
Pre-Alpha Google CLOUD Relational DB, IT is COOL but USER BEWARE!
read the article to see Promise & Possibilities of Google Fusion Tables article Free the Data: Breaking Down Silos With Google; Liberating Spreadsheets, Collaboration Beyond the Cell http://bit.ly/eJJ0j UPDATE http://tables.googlelabs.com/ IS DOWN RIGHT NOW check back Later
Google Error
Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
read the article to see Promise & Possibilities of Google Fusion Tables article Free the Data: Breaking Down Silos With Google; Liberating Spreadsheets, Collaboration Beyond the Cell http://bit.ly/eJJ0j UPDATE http://tables.googlelabs.com/ IS DOWN RIGHT NOW check back Later
Google Error
Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
help me check out Spreezio's VIP facebook Private Beta http://www.spreezio.com/facebook.html ;-)
Hey everyone, help me check out about Spreezio (try the VIP facebook Private Beta http://www.spreezio.com/facebook.html ;-) .
John Ricci Shared this with me (He is the Head of http://basn.org & the US Angel's Inc @ http://tipsgroup.com Give him some Good Freedback & Maybe He will Help you Present for Angel Funding ;-)
John sent me this FB message :
It's a fun startup that I'm working on! If you live in or near Willow Glenin San Jose, Spreezio can save you $$ on products and services. SIGN UP TODAY!!!
Source: http://www.spreezio.com/facebook.html
Spreezio has just launched our private beta in the Willow Glen area of San Jose. We'd like to invite local residents to participate in this revolutionary change to how the world shops and sells.
What does Spreezio do?
At Spreezio, our purpose is to change the way the world shops and sells—through location-based personalized shopping deals that save our customers money. We connect online shoppers to local merchants, enabling them to quickly make a deal on products or services, and ensuring that shoppers get the best value.
With Spreezio, shoppers can search our database of over 35 million products and services to find exactly what they are looking for. Once found, they simply create a deal based on their personal needs, where everything is negotiable. Shoppers make a deal by sending out an offer to merchants based on their location and how far they are willing to shop.
How does Spreezio benefit shoppers?
Save money by getting the best local deal
Personalize shopping and buy on your terms
Completely anonymous
No one-on-one haggling
Save time and energy
Say goodbye to coupon clipping
It's free!
John Ricci Shared this with me (He is the Head of http://basn.org & the US Angel's Inc @ http://tipsgroup.com Give him some Good Freedback & Maybe He will Help you Present for Angel Funding ;-)
John sent me this FB message :
It's a fun startup that I'm working on! If you live in or near Willow Glenin San Jose, Spreezio can save you $$ on products and services. SIGN UP TODAY!!!
Source: http://www.spreezio.com/facebook.html
Spreezio has just launched our private beta in the Willow Glen area of San Jose. We'd like to invite local residents to participate in this revolutionary change to how the world shops and sells.
What does Spreezio do?
At Spreezio, our purpose is to change the way the world shops and sells—through location-based personalized shopping deals that save our customers money. We connect online shoppers to local merchants, enabling them to quickly make a deal on products or services, and ensuring that shoppers get the best value.
With Spreezio, shoppers can search our database of over 35 million products and services to find exactly what they are looking for. Once found, they simply create a deal based on their personal needs, where everything is negotiable. Shoppers make a deal by sending out an offer to merchants based on their location and how far they are willing to shop.
How does Spreezio benefit shoppers?
Save money by getting the best local deal
Personalize shopping and buy on your terms
Completely anonymous
No one-on-one haggling
Save time and energy
Say goodbye to coupon clipping
It's free!
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