Does Google have a real-time strategy and if so, how is it going to compete against Twitter and Facebook in the real-time wars given the recent death of RSS?
Your 1st mistake (Young Paduan) was equating RSS with REAL REALTIME. A REAL REALTIME Strategy should improve the quality of your live and work like Googles foundational REAL-TIME FREE SMS enabled applications do (,,, or,, & for the real time Distributed On demand world.
By using The above tools I can get the World I am interested in to come to me & find out what is important to me while I am in my email actually getting something DOne ( check out the dynamic gmail gadgets in Labs I can text, Video or Audio chat with People I need when they are available & avoid the Stupid Phone, email, SMS & Drop In TAG other Non-Funneled Opt-in Non-Granular NOT INTEGRATED Digital TOOLS HAVE made EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. I Can Now set my custom search, Google Alerts, Google Calendar & Gmail SMS & be online or Offline & Get info I need on my phone or any computer (AUDIO SOUND & POPUP ALERTS are Options) without having to go to 3-5 different websites. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IF their is an INTERNET OUTAGE OR YOU ARE AT the HOSPITAL & CANT GET ON YOUR COMPUTER. YOU COULD EVEN UPLOAD info on the Swine FLU{USING THE GOOGLE OPENSOURCE version of the G visual ANALYTICS API & SEE ITS & see the REAL importance of it
DID I MENTION THEY ARE ALL FREE. For Commerce you can build Google Gadgets by just putting the link of a website & distributing it to all of your email contacts. THIS BASE VIRALITY IS SYNERGIZED BECAUSE THEY ALSO CAN BE SENT SMS IN GCHAT, GCALENDAR, GVOICE & GMAIL SO IT CAN GO SUPER VIRAL & IS Chronological archived & Text SEARCHABLE (This means it is Open to scraping or Uploading for http://gapminder or GAnalytics Data Mining!!!. We Call It APPCRACK!!! it happens with our independant labels all the time See SOULJA BOY'S financial breakdown & I HAVEN"T EVEN MENTIONED GOOGLE CHECKOUT's Breakout ADOPTION RATES AMONG INDIE LABELS BECAUSE Paypal delays the Payment period so Paypal makes the hourly Bank to Bank payment RATE's {BTW I was told this by a Category leading Micro-transaction Payment Partner of theirs ;-} action=cpt&title=Soulja+Boy%3A+Soulja+Of+Fortune&expire=&urlID=33332489&fb=Y&
RSS just gives you another browser TAB of Data you have to got to in its SILo in SOFTWARE (I will try to minimize using any other BAD WORDS PTUIE that left a bad taste in my mouth ;-{ ) Twitter has NO CAlendar with Reminders or Social Graph Granular Visualization like you can do with & or gapminder or google analytics if you embed the URL for your blog or gmail with This Lets me do iterative Networking that SEMANTICALLY gets smarter from a screen or PHone & EVEN OPTIMIZES MY OFFLINE INTERACTIONS @ Networking events & Appointments. I am MUCH more effective (I accomplish my objectives in the 80-95 % Rate versus the average 10-33% Rate) See how I bring all these tools together on my blog & You can compare Facebook with Twitter on it & Tell me (I WILL PUT A GOOGLE POLL GADGET ON THEIR ;-)
if you email me I will send you my blog GOOGLE Analytics Google Gadget that is on my Home page with 60+ other gadgets that were Built By MLB, NBA & THE NFL, Movie Studios , Music groups & other MAjor Brands . NOW IF THEY CAN ONLY FIX THE Memory issues with {I AM BANKING THE transition to the Opensocial/Appengine Combo supporting JAVA along with JS witll Help. This is 1 of 2 Last pieces (Along With Google Checkout SMS analytics for non .Orgs to make GReal (Google Realtime AppCrack) Gaps & Youtube are already the Best thing On my Iphone & I suggested the Itunes Pricemodel & the Iphone Spec.
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