Share on Facebook, Myspace & Other Social Contexts!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008
More later see some resources below & see if you can connect the dots before we Go Public SOON ;-)
Here is my Backgrounder on my blog & one of my presentations on this !!!
It is called Mobile Payment SMS as an architecture . I Call me if I can Help 510-978-9472. See Tim Chang of Northwest Ventures (Big Daddy VC) : Ads Won't Cut it
I have a new event coming up after the Iphone 3G launch & will post the video from the following past event to my blog .
I am presented on the Future of Mobile Monetization & Hosted a Panel @ 8pm Saturday on the intersection of Apps., Content, Sponsored Content & Monetized Virality Synergizing the Web, Mobile & Offline I Have confirmed the involvement of some Interesting Independent Content Creators including Grammy & Golden Globe Nominated Artist Martin Luther check out his video to his smash single "Daily Bread" featuring The Roots & Nona Gaye ; Tajai Massey (Label owner & Member of Heiroglyphics) & their experiences with Integrating web & Mobile Monetization.,
Another problem was the lag between Beeda's video for "Turf's Up" becoming popular on YouTube and the actual release of Turfology, confusing consumers who assumed the CD was already out. "This time we got the timing down," Beeda said. "We'll build that buzz first, and everything will be ready to go." Nonetheless, as falling numbers of mainstream releases attest, selling albums has grown increasingly difficult regardless of timing.
"That's not how we eat anymore," Dru said. "You put out an album to get shows and verse features [guest appearances on other artists' songs]. So we gotta look at these songs as bait." Massey, meanwhile, is seeking other income streams to support his label and artists, like soundtracks and licensing.
Technology & Business Strategy Presenters ( from Google, Vmware, the Iphone Meetup, Admob Including an AList representative from the Bleeding Edge of Mobile Content Monetization See this OnHollywood Video archive Of How to Hack The Content Industry from Chamillio ( Chamillionaire 4 million Ringtones, 3.5 million visitors a month & & on Breaking Away from the Music Label and on to the Internet for the Latest on Content, App. & Mobile Monetization Convergence see 14:00 minutes in ) . Here are the Confirmed presenters & Slot availability
Hacking Sessions
Area I
Area II
Silicon Valley iPhone Orchestra
Jay Freeman, iPhone Hacker
Workshop - iPhone Basic
Jay Freeman, iPhone Hacker
Workshop - iPhone Basic
Tim Burks, iPhone Meetup Leader
Jay Freeman, iPhone Hacker
Workshop - iPhone Advance
Jay Freeman, iPhone Hacker
Workshop - iPhone Advance
iPhone Demo
iPhone Demo
Barcamp Style Time
Al Nevarez, Developer at
Mashing iPhone
Alex Amaya, VMware and Virtualization Solutions at HP
Virtual Machine Optimization Cost Saving to Startups
Issac Trotts, Engineer at Google
Running code Within iPhone
Philippe Furlan ,SearchQuest, Inc
location-based platform to publish web-based application
Abdulkarriem Khan, Universal Football
Future of Mobile Monetization - How do you get your app on all platforms without it being installed
Bess Ho, iPhone Developer
SproutCore - Javascript Framework - Flash-LESS, FLEX-LESS Web App on Safari World
· Order of sessions will be determined on the spot on that day. Feel free to add your barcamp session here.
Basil Fthenakis, Corporate Partner, TIPS Group
Founder Term Sheets
Glenn Von Tersch, Patent Partner, TIPS Group
Patent Your iPhone Ideas
Dave Izuka, consultant for start-up management teams
iPhone Startup 101
John Ricci, Angel Guru
iPhone Startup Funding
Michael Carter, Kaazing
Impact of the Reverse AJAX (Comet), TCP Connection and HTML5 to the architecture of the Web ** Don't Miss
Developer from Admob
Capture iPhone Revenue - Mobile Advertising Platform
Check Out the Mobile Monetization links from on Mobile Monetization (3.3 billion phones & $100 billion in SMS revenue in 2007 !!!) on my blog .
This jibes with what we are hearing from the big Social Networks (The Opensocial Partners we have been involved with as the Google sponsored Hackathons hosts for my developer group An Official APPLE USER GROUP)
. I am also have included some of the things I have been involved with lately.
Here is the 1st Open Opensocial event @ Google we {[]} were the Only Google API mashup ( [] ) presented at the event(We were the Grand Finale!!!). See the Video of the Event Q & A 66 minutes in (66:00) For the Opensocial COMPELLING USER VALUE PROPOSITION ! Email me & Call 510-228-4325 ([] #)for discussion on Why Opensocial WON!!! More Pics []&
on the Microsoft & Orrick supported startup.
We were just invited to the A List YCombinator Startup School 2008 headlined by Mark Andreesen (Netscape Founder) & Jeff Bezos (AMAZON.COM founder)
See 5:00 minute to go in the Video to see my Contribution to the Conference; The solution to the next wave of Web Widgets & Mobile Monetization
I am also CSO of (cell 510-978-9472) .Our clients included Newscorp, Genentech,, HP etc. (Most of our work is NDA ;-) We design custom Enterprise & Niche apps & widgets.We design Super Mashups using Open & closed Source Standards as an ISV. I am an IBM Alpha Developer (Solid Db), Oracle Developer Network (Open Source Sleepy Cat & JRuby) member, Adobe Flash (OSS Tamarind), Coldfusion server Flex, Apple Developer Network (Darwin Open Source QT Streaming Server), Google & Yahoo Search API, Amazon Webservices, Opensocial & Facebook App. developer. My BLOG is .
I also help organize the http;// developer Group.
We have .Net (& Mono), Iphone, LAMP, Facebook, Opensocial, Flex, GWT, JS, Amazon Services & Flash developers ( See our history of events We also have Provided space in meeting rooms for our participating Container Providers & Sponsors to do developer Q&A, Tech support, Hands-On Clinics for developers. I contributed to the Google Opensocial & Javascript Hackathons.
At the 1st (OpenSocial Hackathon: Episode I of III Getting Started) we got Adobe Flex (On the Hi5 container then they broke it;-) , Google Maps & Games {see the video on Youtube Hackathon I Video working on Opensocial in the 1st one & we worked on the REST API working for the 2nd Hackathon ( OpenSocial Hackathon: Episode II of III Application & Server Optimization this is important with the & EC2's Outage taking down Twitter [THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ONLY CAN SUPPORT 30,000 TPS for your whole infrastructure} & Meetup.coms recent data corruption problems ). We have approval from Dapper to post & work on the Bounties that aren't awarded (especially the OpenSocial version of the Dapper Facebook AppMaker, Iphone ... etc.).
Here is the link for my Second Lifecase study ( I successfully presented this In the last SF Mysql meetup @ CNET ; it was Harder than a Doctoral thesis Defense) on Second Life's scaling problems & my conclusions were confirmed by a Developer in the audiance who used to work there & said their initial architecture wasn't scalable & thats why their CTO got the Boot)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
(Universal Ballers LLC)
The Tag Line: "Universal Ballers let the Ballers Ball and Go for the GOLD!!!" We are freeing the Online Team Sports Players from the interference of the AI. Games like Madden, NBA Live & FIFA prevent Players from be able to Experience the Visceral Connection CONNECTION of playing their BALLER (Player Avatar) on a team with Friends & defeating your Opponents. We free BALLERS to play HOW THEY WANT, with WHO THEY WANT, FROM WHATEVER DEVICE THEY WANT and MAKE MONEY at it!!! We are designing a compelling web-based multi-sport MMO Team Sports Tournament (called Baller’s Madness) integrating the best elements 5 of the MOST POPULAR team sports (Soccer, Basketball, Football, Rugby combined with Ultimate Frisbee) in the WORLD! This is because we have included the ability to choose your Game Rule Set (through Our Pick Your Poison Feature), switch Sports in Game (the Flip the Script Feature), and play against others across all web-enabled platforms (using our Challenge Match Feature). Ballers can interact with each other and Reality Pay-Partici-Viewers ($5 a month)! R.P.P.Ving gives you the right to settle all on-field calls lodged by Ballers by voting on their outcome & MAKE MONEY DOING THAT. Ballers can see This includes Paying Ballers $$ for not just winning. They also can make money 4(Referral, Ranking, Franchise, Winners Purse) ways. recruiting Team members & Boosters (RPPViewers), designing Moves, Plays, Uniform designs, selling Highlight Reels, Theme music, and sharing revenue from selling Ads & Designs on the Affiliate Home Courts. We also are developing a Reality Prediction League (RPL) where you win Daily $$$$ based upon your success in predicting the outcome of the next play, game, playoff series & season. We also have built a compelling business model that offers a Compelling value proposition (a piece of the action) to the Investors, Spectators Boosters, Ballers; Ballers make based upon a Sliding scale not just for Not just on the Field of Play but in getting Paid (with a significant Share in the revenue in this Cash Cow) .
Solution Management:
Founder & Chairman of the Board
-John H. Hollis
Startup CEO- Abdul-Karriem A. Khan
(Principal of AK*2 Consulting 510-228-4325 grand Central # American mobile# 510-978-9472)
COO- Eric Shaw (CEO
Product Development
Industry: Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming Sports Econosystem
Number of Strategic Partners, Subcontractors & Employees: 25
Mission: To design a compelling online 3D video game Tournament integrating the best elements 5 of the most popular team sports (Soccer, Basketball, Football, Rugby combined with Ultimate the Frisbee) played by most of the World's Population!
Business Model: We are creating an International Online Tournament (Baller’s Madness) that gives Ballers a 3-D Surround Sound Online (3DSSO) arena where the Game-Rules (Our Pick Your Poison Feature) & Environment can change to fulfill the Player’s desires (for $10 a month) across all web-enabled platforms (including Mobile).They can play & also interact with each other and interact with Reality Pay-Partici-Viewers ($5 a month)! R.P.P.Ving gives you the right to settle all on-field calls lodged by Players by voting on their outcome!! We are developing a real world Game Economy rewarding those who add value to the Universal Balling Ecosystem!!! This includes Paying Ballers $$ for recruiting Team members, designing Moves, Plays, Uniform designs, selling Highlight Reels, Theme music, and sharing revenue from $$$ Ads & Designs on the Affiliate Home Courts. We also are developing a Reality Prediction League (RPL) where RPPVers win Daily $$$$ based upon your success in predicting the outcome of the next play, game, playoff series & season. We are structured to foster & reward $$$ the Ballers, developers, strategic partners & Trend Setters that will attract the Reality TV voting, Fantasy Network playing, User-Generated Content Creating untapped Casual Gaming Market (Game Marketing: The Game Purchase Process From A Consumer’s Point Of View 2006, Frank N. Magid Associates*
Game Infrastructure Focus: A Web & Game 3.0 Startup that is built to support This Cross-platform Arena Econosystem. There are no games on the market that allow the user to customize their Player and Game environment and host the Game at their Local Court with custom In-game Ads with sub 300 millisecond (1/3 of a second) response times over dial-up!!! Our Baller’s Central HQ Network will support real-time updates of Baller’s Standings, Rankings, Statistics, Success %’s Tendencies & Transactions & Auto-Challenge Match Calculator for 500,000 (100,000 Ballers & 400,000 RPPV) users a month!
Company Background: a veteran Voice-Over Artist for 2K Sports Video Company invented the game Universal Football. He developed the Physical Game and was funded by Shell to build the Field game with support & approval of OUSD & Oakland Parks & Recreation. The Rest of the Development team are Veterans of EA, Apple, Cisco, Nokia, Adobe, Genentech, Google, Ebay, and other Business 3.0 companies. Backgrounders are available by request.
Competitive Advantage: This is a game that allows for instant gratification (w/ visual control keys), synergizing the best features of the 5 games, and allow them to experience the same game play on whatever platform they want with the SAME EXPERIENCE OVER DIALUP SPEEDS. Like Bruce Lee said, “Take that which is useful, discard that which is superfluous & make it your own!” Because we Bookmark a 250K customizable database in the client devices web browser & the data URL loaded on all Baller’s Platforms are just communicating data back & forth to render the 3DSSO video game environment on the Local Courts.
I.P. Proprietary business Process: We Have An unfair advantage because we have developed a Hockey Stick Proof Architecture called Web D3 ( see for the details) That scales without scaling the cost; Web D3 is about User contributed Server Architecture Like Seti@Home .Because our main server just handles all the See and Calls along with Payouts for winners. We are like Vegas The House always wins (because we receive a share of every transaction;-).
Markets: Provide a clear description of your target market, and any market segments that may exist within that market. Include potential market size and growth rate. Also, mention your revenue model in this section:
• Market Potential:
Moving onto the meat of his talk, Minotti argued that "the mobile phone platform delivers a huge addressable audience for games," and as a way of making this clear, asked the audience how many of them were carrying their Nintendo DS, Sony PSP or laptop on them, compared to how many of them were carrying a mobile phone - a significant difference.
Minotti used some statistics to help emphasise his point - in 2006, unit sales of game consoles were 26 million, compared to 209 million PC sales, but both were dwarfed by the sale of 957 million mobile phones in the same period.
"In 2007 there is going to be about 1.2 billion mobile phones sold," said Minotti, "The mobile phone is the most ubiquitous piece of technology there is."
World wide mobile penetration would be at 75% in 2011 according to Minotti, with Africa and Asia the main growth areas...For a 2D mobile game, Minotti estimated that it would normally take 6-9 months for a team of 4-7 people to produce a game on a budget of 100-300k.
Producing a 3D and 2D mobile game would require 8-12 months and 300-700k for 8-15 people, and simple networked multiplayer titles could take up to year for 5-9 people to produce a title on a budget of 200-400k.
iPod titles, however, were very good value - taking 5-7 people 4-9 months to produce something on a budget of 150-400k. Minotti explained, "iPods have a 40 meg footprint, so you can put a lot of animation and special effects on them easily."
To summarise, Minotti returned to the concept that the mobile games industry offered a huge addressable audience, and was the fastest growing segment of the video game market, but most importantly, it is "a medium that rewards good design."
“The Gartner Group believes there are 661 million PC users in 2006. The number will hit 953 million by the end of 2008, and cross over the billion mark in 2009… Another rapidly expanding market is the one for mobile games, with sales of $530 million in 2003, potentially rising to $2.5 billion in 2007. There are thought to be around 250 million Java-enabled phones at the moment…Java is used widely in the casual gaming market, where game-play is generally less complex and time-consuming. Implementation timelines are shorter, budgets smaller, and the required man-power is within the reach of small teams. By 2008, industry analysts believe the casual games market will surpass $2 billion in the US alone…In the future, Java may have a better chance of acceptance into the closed-world of console makers because of two trends: consoles are mutating into home media devices, and the meteoric rise of online gaming. Both require consoles to offer complex networking and server support, strong areas for Java and Sun. The prospects for Java on the PlayStation 3 (PS3) look fairly bright. Both the basic and premium PS3 versions will have 512 MB of RAM, a large hard drive, will support Linux, and use an extended version of OpenGL. Sony's software development chief, Izumi Kawanishi, has spoken of making it easier for individuals to create games on the PS3. Development kits are expected to appear in Spring 2007” (The Myths (and Truths) of Java Games Programming, A. Davison 2007
What would an MMOG bring a mogul? Cash, for one thing. World of Warcraft, a J.R.R. Tolkien-inspired fantasy game from Vivendi Universal (V ) that boasts 5.5 million users worldwide, brought in about $300 million last year in sales and subscriptions, figures David Cole, president of game researcher DFC Intelligence. And while MMOGs make up just 7% of the $28 billion game market, they may be the most addictive niche. A Stanford University researcher who surveyed 3,000 MMOG denizens found that the median player was immersed for 20 hours a week, vs. seven to eight hours for gamers at consoles ( ).
Distribution Channels: Indicate which channels will be used to deliver your products/service to your target markets (i.e. systems integrators, independent software vendors, partner offerings, direct sales force, channel partners, etc…) We will Open the Kimono when we are closer to a Happy Ending (Angel Term sheet ;-) .
Competition: List any current or potential direct and indirect competition. Briefly describe the competitive outlook and dynamics of the relevant market in which you will operate. The Relevant market comparables are from a Business Week article on Virtual Worlds May 2006 & from the 2006 Second life averages $5 M/4.2 M transactions=$1.19 average per micro-transaction; (We checked the updated Second life #'s July 2007 they confirm the expected $1 per user per month revenue projection.
Total Residents: 8,779,975 Logged In Last 60 Days: 1,638,492 Online Now: 42,003
US$ Spent Last 24h: $1,480,236
"...there's no denying the explosion of media, products, and services produced by users of these virtual worlds. IGE Ltd., an independent online gaming services firm, estimates that players spent about $1 billion in real money last year on virtual goods and services at all these games combined, and predicts that could rise to $1.5 billion this year.… All told, at least 10 million people pay $15 and up a month to play these games, and maybe 20 million more log in once in a while. Some players call World of Warcraft "the new golf," as young colleagues and business partners gather online to slay orcs instead of gathering on the green to hack away at little white balls. Says eBay Inc. founder and Chairman Pierre M. Omidyar, whose investing group, Omidyar Network, is a Linden Lab backer: "This generation that grew up on video games is blurring the lines between games and real life."...In January (2006) inside Second Life alone, people spent nearly $5 million in some 4.2 million transactions buying or selling clothes, buildings, and the like. That can add up to serious change. Some 3,100 residents each earn a net profit on an average of $20,000 in annual revenues, and that's in real U.S. dollars”. There is no direct Competition because no one is doing a hybrid MMO Sports Game...Yet...?!? ( &
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Mobile App Monetization Motherload
Going Fast on the Mobile Web
From: grigs, 1 week ago
Web Visions presentation on developing fast-loading web pages for mobile devices.
SlideShare Link

Sunday, May 4, 2008
on the Microsoft & Orrick supported startup.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Proof of concept Monetization of Widgets & Mobile
Pay Especial attention to the Intros 1st 10 minutes & Q&A after 1 hour in
The Key to the Next Wave of Widget & Mobile Explosive Monetization
See 5:00 minute to go in the Video to see my Contribution to the Conference; The solution to the next wave of Web Widgets & Mobile Monetization 23:00-25:00 & Also See Why you can Ride Disruptive Market Opportunites, to Accumulate Structural Unfair Advantages to beat Big Companies @ 11-15 minutes !!!
Watch live video from HackerTV on
See the Slides Here

Here i Call Bullshit on the Founder of Paul Graham startup School of (see the Highlight Entrepeneur go do the Startup or Finish School) 20:50 minutes in the Video
Watch live video from HackerTV on
Here are the Slides , the Video isn't available Now that Google bought them ?!? & arent on Youtube Startup School channel WTF

Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Birth of Web D3
check it Out। I proposed Douglas as my 1st Panel speaker. I will invite Joel Webber next.
Velocity 2008 Call for Participation
Submitting a proposal is a two stage process. First, enter the proposal details on this page. After submitting these, you will then be asked to input the speaker details.
Web 3D: Distributed Database Dashboards
Proposal title *
How do we solve the Problems of Exponential Data Growth, Server-Client Architecture Scaling Performance limits, and Users need not just For Data & ID Portability but for Security & Control of their Data. The reality is that most of the User from Platforms without direct File-system access (IPhone & 3G, Wii, Web-enabled TV's, Internet Kiosks...) has led to the slow Javascript Bloat of Web 2.0.
The Solution is to re-architect our Clusters to reflect the reality that Server Client Architecture of Web 1.0 is DEAD!!! we no longer have the majority of our users coming from dumb terminals as clients. In fact most of the users are on Broadband enabled platforms with Processors, RAM & Serving Capabilities that are on PAR with the commodity hardware used by Google & Amazon, the industry leaders in Web-hosted (In the Cloud) Software as a Service . We must take this architect to its Logical Next Step. We Must Distribute the Web Applications to the shared OS of the Clients Browsers. With support in HTML 5 for "local" SQL databases (
& the move to SQL-lite databases driven Local Applications by Adobe (FLEX & AIR) & Google (Gears), leads us to an Architecture where the Users data is served in SQL-lite Datastores in their devices browser caches (Apple Iphones use of Data URLs to avoid having to access the File systems) or Virtual Machines & Virtualization of OS's to collaboratively processed in a SETI@Home Architecture that allows users to contribute resources to the Performance of their Web Applications. You can use in-memory microsecond databases like Sleepy Cat (the Opensource version of Oracle Times Ten) to do session management of these Distributed Database Dashboards.
This architecture is the only way to build Applications that perform at sub-second response time on dialup speed cellular & Mesh Networks all over the world. It will also lead to Applications that perform faster the the more users use it, while cutting infrastructure cost 75%. Lastly the User will have control of their Data (By Hosting it on their Infrastructure), Granularly control of their Data's Security (By choosing the Access & federation Policies; and Inhibiting Architecturally Javascript Vulnerabilities & Cross-Site Scripting Cascade Attacks), Contribute to their Applications Local performance, and perform local Mashups of Data in the Local SQL-lite databases & Browser Cache Offline. Distributed Database Dashboards are the One Architecture that Elegantly Solves this Problem. This is the beginning of What is being called Web 3
Practices Presentation http://googlewebtoolkit
Hi guys i will give you the architectural Scoop (I was at their meetup monday night on the & EC2 Meltdown Friday along with how Web D3 solves this problem @ the Super Happy Dev house today (after 1pm). Rich of & Robert F come or have & you & your friend call me (cell 510-978-9472) to Outline the hosting opportunity for Opensocial Superviral Apps when EC2 took Twitter Down & has been having hockey stick problems this week and Blackberry was down Monday.I am emailing you a taste;-) I will feed you the rest in person or over the phone...
Why S3 failed
February 16, 2008
Late last night, Amazon issued a statement explaining the cause of the problem that hobbled its S3 storage system yesterday morning. It was not a hardware failure. Rather, the service's authentication system, which verifies the identity of a user, became overloaded with user requests. As one person explained to me, it amounted to a kind of accidental DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack, and Amazon didn't have enough capacity in place in one of its data centers to handle the surge.
Here's Amazon's explanation:
Early this morning, at 3:30am PST, we started seeing elevated levels of authenticated requests from multiple users in one of our locations. While we carefully monitor our overall request volumes and these remained within normal ranges, we had not been monitoring the proportion of authenticated requests. Importantly, these cryptographic requests consume more resources per call than other request types.
Shortly before 4:00am PST, we began to see several other users significantly increase their volume of authenticated calls. The last of these pushed the authentication service over its maximum capacity before we could complete putting new capacity in place. In addition to processing authenticated requests, the authentication service also performs account validation on every request Amazon S3 handles. This caused Amazon S3 to be unable to process any requests in that location, beginning at 4:31am PST. By 6:48am PST, we had moved enough capacity online to resolve the issue.
An anonymous correspondent yesterday sent me a copy of the following email that was supposedly sent to some of the company's staff from one of Amazon's top technical executives (AVS refers to the authentication system):
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: RE: WTF
My three "Why The Fuck" questions :1. How come a single EC2 customer can generate so much load on AVS that it renders it inaccessible for all other customers.
2. Why didn't the monitoring on AVS alarm catch this earlier?
3. Why is it that we still do not have a better communication plan towards our customers. For a company that proud [sic] itself on its customer focus we are doing an abysmal job here.
I didn't post this yesterday because I couldn't verify its accuracy. But given that it seems to be backed up by the official explanation, I feel comfortable posting it now. Still, it's unconfirmed information. I have asked Amazon whether it's a real email and am awaiting a response. (I hope it's real - this is exactly the kind of visceral email you want to see an exec shoot out in these circumstances.)
Amazon promises quick action to ensure the problem doesn't happen again and that users are supplied with better information on system status:
All in all, I think Amazon has handled this outage well. The problem revealed some flaws in Amazon's otherwise highly reliable system, including shortcomings in its communications with users, and the company will make important improvements as a result, to the benefit of all its customers. These kinds of small but embarrassing failures - the kind that get you asking WTF? - can be blessings in disguise.As we said earlier today, though we're proud of our uptime track record over the past two years with this service, any amount of downtime is unacceptable. As part of the post mortem for this event, we have identified a set of short-term actions as well as longer term improvements. We are taking immediate action on the following: (a) improving our monitoring of the proportion of authenticated requests; (b) further increasing our authentication service capacity; and (c) adding additional defensive measures around the authenticated calls. Additionally, we've begun work on a service health dashboard, and expect to release that shortly.
The Birth of Web D3
check it Out। I proposed Douglas as my 1st Panel speaker. I will invite Joel Webber next.
Velocity 2008 Call for Participation
Submitting a proposal is a two stage process. First, enter the proposal details on this page. After submitting these, you will then be asked to input the speaker details.
Web 3D: Distributed Database Dashboards
Proposal title *
How do we solve the Problems of Exponential Data Growth, Server-Client Architecture Scaling Performance limits, and Users need not just For Data & ID Portability but for Security & Control of their Data. The reality is that most of the User from Platforms without direct File-system access (IPhone & 3G, Wii, Web-enabled TV's, Internet Kiosks...) has led to the slow Javascript Bloat of Web 2.0.
The Solution is to re-architect our Clusters to reflect the reality that Server Client Architecture of Web 1.0 is DEAD!!! we no longer have the majority of our users coming from dumb terminals as clients. In fact most of the users are on Broadband enabled platforms with Processors, RAM & Serving Capabilities that are on PAR with the commodity hardware used by Google & Amazon, the industry leaders in Web-hosted (In the Cloud) Software as a Service . We must take this architect to its Logical Next Step. We Must Distribute the Web Applications to the shared OS of the Clients Browsers. With support in HTML 5 for "local" SQL databases (
& the move to SQL-lite databases driven Local Applications by Adobe (FLEX & AIR) & Google (Gears), leads us to an Architecture where the Users data is served in SQL-lite Datastores in their devices browser caches (Apple Iphones use of Data URLs to avoid having to access the File systems) or Virtual Machines & Virtualization of OS's to collaboratively processed in a SETI@Home Architecture that allows users to contribute resources to the Performance of their Web Applications. You can use in-memory microsecond databases like Sleepy Cat (the Opensource version of Oracle Times Ten) to do session management of these Distributed Database Dashboards.
This architecture is the only way to build Applications that perform at sub-second response time on dialup speed cellular & Mesh Networks all over the world. It will also lead to Applications that perform faster the the more users use it, while cutting infrastructure cost 75%. Lastly the User will have control of their Data (By Hosting it on their Infrastructure), Granularly control of their Data's Security (By choosing the Access & federation Policies; and Inhibiting Architecturally Javascript Vulnerabilities & Cross-Site Scripting Cascade Attacks), Contribute to their Applications Local performance, and perform local Mashups of Data in the Local SQL-lite databases & Browser Cache Offline. Distributed Database Dashboards are the One Architecture that Elegantly Solves this Problem. This is the beginning of What is being called Web 3
Practices Presentation http://googlewebtoolkit