Don't forget to try the LA Times budget balancer: http://bit.ly/L2Bph. Share your solutions here: http://bit.ly/8CY6Z.
See His thoughts on Twitter
3:34 PM Jun 10th from web
It doesn't make sense to tax the people when the legislature won't accept a 5% pay cut for state workers. We all have to sacrifice.
12:45 PM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry
Just had a mtg with the Dem leaders and made it clear I won't sign a tax increase.
12:43 PM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry

Play the http://www.californiabudgetchallenge.org/ & if you put FREE OFFERS http://offerpal.com & Surveys http://peanutlabs.com/ on it you can make $$$ in a NON GAMBLING CROWDSOURCED WAY free to MONETIZE a FREE GAME (UP TO $30/user per Month http://ZYNGA.com does) for the PEOPLE!!! see the 25% Growth week to week (5/17-23/2000 without social (Opensocial or Myspace.com, FACEBOOK, TWITTER & mobile SMS promotion) Virality http://nextten.org/next10/programs/spreadWord.html!!! & developed with the League of Women Voters & http://nextten.org/index.html ( they also developed the Budget Challenge over 80,000 Californians have taken! SEE the Video on the Townhall Meetings they Hold Across California! http://nextten.org/next10/programs/budget_challenge.html
contact me me to see how to do this. Check out my ALPHA GAME POC http://www.bigsixbones.com/ launching on MYSPACE.com http://profile.myspace.com/Modules/Applications/Pages/Canvas.aspx?appId=137497, FACEBOOK.COM SOON, Microsoft LIVE ALERTS (CLoud Platform SOON) & as a GMAIL Gadget see Labs http://www.bigsixbones.com/bsbg.xml & IGOOGLE GADGET http://www.google.com/ig/directory?q=bigsixbones&root=%2Fig&dpos=top
{ http://oaklandbudget.blogspot.com/ ( As of 5/23/2009 OVER 1000 Oaklanders as have taken the Oakland Budget Challenge HTTP://NEXTTEN.ORG will be updating the program this week to include the Mayor's proposals and the larger deficit numbers now predicted by our Third Quarter Revenue figures} & developed with the League of Women Voters & http://nextten.org/index.html ( they also developed the Budget Challenge over 80,000 CALIFORNIANS HAVE TAKEN! SEE the Video on the Townhall Meetings they Hold Across California! http://nextten.org/next10/programs/budget_challenge.html
& SEE the only way to BALANCE THE BUDGET is to Reform Education NEXT (You can save $20 billion selling Most Admin Buildings & Land like Oakland USD did to SPUR development & inject a quick hit of $ to PRIME THE ECONOMIES PUMP http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2007-12-28/article/28829?headline=A-Year-of-Political-Turnaround-in-the-Oakland-Schools http://www.safero.org/terramark.html (Most of these Buildings ARE COST SINKS!!!} THIS YEAR. Read The VC event HACKING EDUCATIONhttp://www.unionsquareventures.com/2009/05/hacking_education.html & TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO http://publicusv.wiki.zoho.com/Hacking-Education-Discussion.html?pid=169095000000011003 for the GAME PLAN!!!)
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